Drupal: Issue involving projects not returning to Drupal

Drupal: Issue involving projects not returning to Drupal


This article describes troubleshooting measures that you can perform, personally, to attempt to resolve issues that arise when a project'’s translated content is not returned to the Drupal system, before sending a ticket to the XTM International Support team.


Basic troubleshooting

  1. First of all, you can try reopening the project and finishing it once more.

  2. If that does not resolve the problem, proceed as follows:

a) Open Drupal and go to the Translation tab.

b) Go to Jobs.

c) Find the affected job and click on Manage.

d) Click on Check XTM status to trigger manual downloading of the translations.

The other modules related to translation content

There is a possibility that you use some modules that affect translatable content. This section describes the Paragraphs module.

The Paragraphs module is the module in which users can use a nested repeatable content structure, which is helpful during the creation of more advanced content for Drupal. If there are some problems retrieving translations, it might be related to the TMGMT module. It manifests itself in the fact that the content will be seen as retrieved, and there will be a possibility to review the content, but once the content is accepted, the source content will be set for another language variety.

To solve the problem:

  1. Open Drupal and go to the Configuration tab.

2. Scroll down to Regional and Language and go to Content language and translation.

  1. Check the Paragraph checkbox in the Custom language settings list at the top of the page.

  1. Deselect these 2 paragraphs in the Content section:

  1. Scroll down to the Paragraph section on the same page and select the content type that you want to translate.


We recommend that you check these two paragraphs in the Paragraph section!

Project mode selected for a specific project

A multiple-file project can be returned in a couple of ways. It might be the case that you use the option of only returning the translated content when the entire project is finished on the XTM Cloud side. For that reason, if you are expecting immediate retrieval of the translated file by the Drupal connector, you might be disappointed. To verify that, proceed as follows:

  1. Open Drupal and go to Translation.

  1. Go to Providers.

  1. Click on Edit of a particular provider.

  1. Verify the default project mode configuration.

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In the case of a multi-file project in which the file is to be returned immediately upon completion in XTM Cloud, select the second option.

The project mode can also be set during the project submission process, in the Cart and job checkout sections.

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Creating an XTM International Support ticket

If the guidelines presented in the previous step do not yield any results, create a suitable ticket for the XTM International Support team, and make sure you include all the vital information.


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