SharePoint: How does the connector work?

SharePoint: How does the connector work?


XTM Connect – Microsoft SharePoint offers a seamless way to send your content files from the Microsoft SharePoint Drive CMS for processing in XTM Cloud.

How does it work?

XTM Connect – Microsoft SharePoint works by automatically fetching files for translation in XTM Cloud. When translation projects are finished in XTM Cloud, the files are automatically resent to the specified destination folder in Microsoft SharePoint Drive.

In the XTM Connect – Microsoft SharePoint Administrator panel, select the Source folder and Target folder paths, in the SharePoint path section. XTM Cloud projects will then be created from files that are located in the Source folder and translated files will be uploaded to the Target folder after the project is finished in XTM Cloud.

These are sample Source and Target folders in Microsoft SharePoint Drive.

Sample scenario:

  1. The connector profile is configured with certain Microsoft SharePoint Drive source and target paths, XTM Cloud Customer, and XTM Cloud Template.

  2. The user uploads a new file to the mapped Source folder.

  1. The connector creates a project named after the connection profile. The project uses the Customer and Template set in the profile.

  2. The user translates the project in XTM Cloud and then finishes it.

  3. Microsoft SharePoint Drive sees that the project has finished in XTM Cloud and uploads the target file to the mapped Target folder, each target file being placed in a folder that is named after the relevant language code. This folder is placed in a higher-level folder named after the project in XTM Cloud.


  • This synchronization method supports templates that use pre-processing. When such a template is used, only the final targets will be synchronized.

  • This synchronization method supports the reopening of projects: updating translations after a project has been reopened and finishing it again updates the files in the mapped Target folder.

  • This synchronization method supports file joining.


You must have callbacks enabled in your XTM Cloud instance for XTM Connect – Microsoft SharePoint to work properly (see SharePoint: Callbacks to learn more about callbacks in XTM Connect – Microsoft SharePoint).

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