Git: XTM Cloud UI guide

Git: XTM Cloud UI guide


The idea of the repoconnector is that it is installed and configured in the back-end of a particular XTM Cloud instance. However, once set up by the XTM International Support team, our application offers a certain amount of freedom for the client in managing buckets and tasks within the XTM Cloud UI.


Remember that it is impossible to set up the repoconnector via the XTM Cloud UI. This needs to be done by the XTM International Support team instead! The options available at UI level only affect buckets.



  1. UI management takes place in the XTM Connect tab.

  2. Once there, select Buckets.

  3. If there are more than one repoconnector configured on your XTM Cloud instance, select Git.

  4. A list of existing buckets is displayed.

  5. You also have the option to create a new bucket.

  1. Finally, in Configuration → Settings → SystemXTM Connect, you can specify which Project Managers will have access to the tab mentioned (administrative privileges required!).

Creating a new bucket

To create a new bucket, click on the Add bucket button on the right-hand side of the page.

General information

  • Customer → Select an XTM Cloud customer for which projects coming from this bucket will be created.

  • Bucket name → Enter a bucket name. The bucket name must not contain the following characters: [`!@#$%^&*()_+-=[];':"\|,.<>/?~].

  • Description → Description of the bucket (optional).



  • Source branch → A branch in the repository from which files are taken for translation.

  • Target branch → A branch in the repository in which translated files are updated.

Project creation

  • Create project → Defines a project creation method.

    • Automatically → Repository files are synchronized regularly (at user-defined time intervals) to create translation tasks for the new content.

    • Manually → You select the required files and create tasks manually.

  • Template → Select an XTM Cloud project template from which Git will draw all the project data with the exception of the project name, customer and language combinations.

  • Source language → Select the source language from which projects coming from this bucket will be translated.

  • Pre-processing → You can include pre-processing (optional).

  • Target languages → Select the target languages into which projects coming from this bucket will be translated.

  • Project name → Enter a base name for your projects. A suffix consisting of an incremented number will be added to the names of subsequent projects coming from this bucket. The project name must not contain the following characters [`!@#$%^&*()_+-=[];':"\|,.<>/?~].

  • Continuous project → Specify whether only one project is to be maintained for the bucket, with source files being updated in XTM Cloud each time files are added to or updated in the repository (optional).


  • Include files → Specify whether Git is to search for files for translation within the entire branch or only on a specific path (the Path field). If the latter, tell us that path.


Avoid the common mistake of entering an absolute path; for example: /folder instead of folder. Remember to keep your path relative, starting from the first folder without the slash \.

  • File extensions → Specify which file formats are to be taken for translation (the Extensions field)

  • Regular expression for file name → You can apply REGEX patterns for file names to set the scope of files that shall be taken for translation (optional).

  • Repository upload mode → Decide if the target files are to return to the Git repository after the whole project is finished in XTM Cloud, or just after a particular job is finished in XTM Cloud.

  • Target mapping → Using the Git connector settings, the directories in the repository in which target files are to be placed can be specified. To learn about the feature and possible configuration options, see Git: Target path mapping.

  • Target files naming convention → Specify how target files are to be returned to the repository. You can choose one of the following:

    • Return target files to language folder → It creates a new folder with the target language code in the folder name and inserts the file in it.

    • Add suffix with language code → It adds a target language code to the file name and inserts the file in the source folder. If this option is selected, you will need to define a pattern for the suffix added to the file name.

    • Return target files with unchanged names → It returns translated files with unchanged file names to the source folder.

    • Custom naming convention → This option allows you to set up your own rules for creating a target file name pattern. If this option is selected, you will need to set up your own pattern from plenty of criteria/options to choose from.

Once set up, click the Add bucket button.

Modifying existing buckets

The basic configuration of existing buckets can also be changed in the XTM Cloud UI. When you click on the context menu for a particular bucket, you see two tabs: General settings and Project creation.

General settings

In the General settings tab, you can change such data as:

  • Bucket name,

  • Description,

  • Customer,

  • Source and target repositories,

  • Source and target branches,

  • Scope of files,

  • Eligible file extensions,

  • REGEX pattern for files eligible for translation,

  • Return file mode,

  • Target mapping.

The new setting that can be changed in the XTM Cloud UI after a bucket has been created is Repository upload mode. You can decide if corresponding target files are to be returned to the repository either after a single job is finished in XTM Cloud or only after the entire project is finished in XTM Cloud.

Project creation

In the Project creation tab, you can change data such as the:

  • Project creation mode,

  • XTM project template,

  • Source and target languages,

  • Project name,

  • Continuous project.


The bucket context menu also has the Actions tab in which you can choose basic actions for a particular bucket.

  • Create a project → Use this option to create a task immediately, in XTM Cloud. One of the necessary settings in Git specifies the minimum time interval at which the next project can be created. This can be a couple of minutes or several hours. This option ignores that time constraint and forces immediate creation of a task, so there is no delay. This does not apply for buckets in which tasks are create manually.

  • Deactivate the bucket → As the name suggests, you can deactivate a particular bucket.

  • Delete → You can delete entire buckets (note that this action is irreversible).

  • Select files for translation → This option is only available for buckets whose tasks are created manually. It opens a new window in which you browse in your repository (to the extent your configuration permits you to), select files for translation and create tasks.


The Tasks section (XTM Connect → Tasks) contains tasks coming from all the repoconnectors that are installed on a particular XTM Cloud instance.

It provides data such as:

  • Name of the project created within the framework of a task,

  • Name of the bucket responsible for a task,

  • XTM Cloud customer for whom a task was created,

  • XTM Cloud project template applied in a task,

  • Source & target languages used in a task,

  • Date of task creation/update,

  • Status of a task (status of a project):

    • Synchronized → The related project is waiting to be created at the user-defined time but is not yet available in the UI.

    • Project created → he related project has successfully been created in XTM Cloud; it can be "not started", "in progress", "partially finished".

    • Finished → The related project has been completely finished in XTM Cloud.

You also have the option of adding a task directly by clicking on the Add task button on the right-hand side of the page. Of course, you can only choose from buckets in which manual task creation is permitted. Then, a new popup window is displayed. In it, browse in your repository, select files for translation and create tasks (like for the Select files for translation option).


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