HubSpot: Enforcing user and template settings

HubSpot: Enforcing user and template settings


While creating a user, in the Users section of the HubSpot administrator panel (https://hubspot-connector.xtm-intl.com), you can choose to activate the Enforce user and template settings option.

If this option is selected, for a user, they will not be able to change the XTM customer and XTM project template, previously selected in the XTM default customer and XTM default template dropdowns, while sending content for translation, in the XTM Connect – HubSpot plugin.

How does it work?

Option deselected

If the Enforce user and template settings option is deselected, in the Add content section of the XTM Connect – HubSpot plugin:

  • XTM Customer dropdown: the user can select from all available customers for a particular XTM Cloud instance.

  • XTM Template dropdown: when a customer has been selected in the XTM Customer dropdown, the user can select from all the XTM templates in a particular XTM Cloud instance, which are available for that customer.

Option selected

If the Enforce user and template settings option is selected, in the Add content section of the XTM Connect – HubSpot plugin:

  • in the XTM Customer dropdown, the user is restricted to selecting an XTM customer that has been previously selected in the XTM default customer dropdown in the HubSpot administrator panel:

  • in the XTM Template dropdown, the user is restricted to selecting an XTM project template that has been previously selected in the XTM default template dropdown in the HubSpot administrator panel: