HubSpot: What determines which languages are available during project submission?

HubSpot: What determines which languages are available during project submission?


When you run the XTM Connect – HubSpot plugin, to submit content for translation in XTM Cloud, you can adjust some configuration settings for your XTM Cloud project. You do so in the Add content panel, on the left-hand side. Apart from selecting an XTM customer or an XTM Template, you can also select a source and target language combination.

Language combinations per content type

General rule

It is important to know that the source and target languages listed and available in the Source language and Target languages dropdowns do not depend on which languages have been selected in a specific XTM project template but on all the languages which are offered in HubSpot.

However, there are some slight differences with regard to the type of content item that you send for translation in XTM Cloud.

Emails, landing pages, forms

When it comes to the Source language dropdown, there is only one logical choice – the language of the content item, in the HubSpot CMS, that you have selected on the right-hand side of the panel, with no exceptions.

The Target languages dropdown, on the other hand, contains all the languages that are available in the HubSpot CMS. Translating emails, landing pages, and forms does not require setting up any additional language mapping.

A translated content item is imported with the language code added at the end of the content item title.

Blog posts

As far as language combinations that are available for selection are concerned, blog posts differ from other localizable content types.

The Source language dropdown displays languages that already exist as the so-called “language variants”, in the HubSpot CMS, for the blog post that was selected in the Add content section of the XTM Connect – HubSpot plugin.

The Target languages dropdown, on the other hand, is slightly more complex. It displays languages that already exist as the so-called “language variants” for all the blog posts created at that time, in the HubSpot CMS.

A translation of the blog post is imported straight into the previously created language variant of that content item.

How to create language variants for blog posts

To create a language variant for a particular blog post, perform the following steps:

  1. While in the Blog posts section, hover over a particular blog post and click Edit.

  1. In the top-left task bar, select File → NewLanguage variant.

  1. Select a relevant language, in the Variation language dropdown, and click Create.

Language mapping in the HubSpot administrator panel

It is possible to create language mappings, in the Clients section of the HubSpot administrator panel, to which you do not have access. However, those language mappings are not obligatory, as their purpose is quite different.

The HubSpot integration offers its own list of languages, but the range of language variants to choose from is not so diverse there, so a specific mapping might be desired by you. For instance, if you want to use the HubSpot English (USA) language variant as English (Romania) in XTM Cloud, you can do so. To arrange this, contact the XTM International Support team and request the creation of language mappings from the drop-down list for languages that you want to map in a specific way.


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