Multi-project LQA report

Multi-project LQA report


A multi-project LQA report is a kind of report that contains the linguist LQA data for many projects. Naturally, projects in which LQA has not been performed are not included in the report.

Keep in mind that a multi-project LQA report is based directly on the evaluative LQA report for a particular linguist (i.e. it presents data from all the included projects in which the evaluative LQA process has been performed and the corresponding report has been generated).

Before reading this article, we recommend that you read the Linguist (evaluative) LQA report section in the following article: Types of LQA report – description and use case.

Keep in mind that a multi-project LQA report is based directly on the evaluative LQA report for a particular linguist (i.e. it presents data from all the included projects in which the evaluative LQA process has been performed and the corresponding report has been generated).

Before reading this article, we recommend that you read the Linguist (evaluative) LQA report section in the following article: Types of LQA report – description and use case.

How to generate the report

  1. As a user with an Administrator and/or Project manager role, go to: Projects → Project list → Actions → (expand the list) → Reports → Multi-project LQA.

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  1. Choose the projects that are to be included in the report and select the Run button.

It is possible to generate a report when any project is checked. Then, the report will include every available project for which LQA has been performed.

  1. After you click the Run button, a popup containing the following options should open:

As you can see, there are a couple of criteria for restricting the report results.


There is an AND condition between multi-select fields, so all chosen values must match a corresponding field for it to be included in the report.

  1. Choose the parameters mentioned above and then click the Run button. The popup is hidden, and the report is generated in the background. When finished, an Excel file is automatically downloaded onto the device.

Content of the report

Apart from the project name, the generated report contains one sheet and contains the same columns as in the scorecard in Project editor → LQA:

  • Source language,

  • Target language,

  • Workflow step,

  • Filename,

  • Score,

  • Words,

  • Evaluee,

  • Evaluator.


Subcontractors can also generate multi-project LQA reports for subcontracted projects from the same place. Values are taken from the Projects LSP LQA tab and the relevant LQA scorecard.

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