
As you know, XTM Cloud offers a vast range of reports that display particular data about projects. (You can find out more about the types of project-related report available in the XTM Cloud UI in this article: Costs & Metrics reports.)

It might be necessary to determine the total source word count for all projects created within a particular time range. The easiest way to obtain this value is via the Assignment and words report.

This article provides a step-by-step procedure for determining the total number of source words for the projects included in the scope.


  1. In XTM Cloud, select Projects → Project list → Advanced search.

  1. In the Advanced Search section, select All Projects from the Project status dropdown. Then select Custom range from the Date created dropdown. In the date chooser, specify the time range in which the relevant projects have been created, and select Apply. Finally, select the Search button.

  1. Next, switch to the Actions tab. In the tab screen, select Reports → Costs and Metrics from the dropdown. Click Run.

  1. In the popup, select the Assignment and Words report from the Report type dropdown. Also ensure that you select the Search projects only checkbox: this is especially important. Select All from the Status dropdown. Click Run. A report is generated and saved to an Excel file which is downloaded to your local computer.

Alternatively, you can simply omit the actions in the Advanced search tab and specify the project range in the Date created field in the Costs and Metrics popup, from step 4.

  1. Open the generated Excel report.

  2. In the Total Word count (AD) column, the report displays a total source word count for every XTM Cloud project included in the report.

2024-10-23 14_13_24-Assignment and words 2024_10_23_10_54_26_101.xlsx  -  tylko do odczytu - Excel.png

To calculate the total source words from the processed projects, you need to use the Excel =SUM function. Specify the first and last cell containing the word count for a particular project and redirect the output to an empty cell nearby.

2024-10-23 13_33_00-Assignment and words 2024_10_23_10_54_26_101.xlsx  -  tylko do odczytu - Excel.png


Sometimes you might notice that the Total word count column value for some of the projects included in the report contains the null value (–).

2024-10-23 14_23_11-Assignment and words 2024_06_13_09_41_09_269.xlsx - Excel.png

The possible cause is that the projects in question have no assignments and/or only contain Auto steps:

To determine the total word counts for projects like these as well, you can try using a different report that does not contain assignments. Example: Metrics, custom field included. However, this will require the values from all TM match types to be added together.
