(blue star) Release notes

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(blue star) About this page

This page includes release notes for XTM Cloud.

A full change log of bug fixes can be found in the XTM Cloud Change Log page.

The user documentation can be accessed on the Online Help page, while the API documentation can be accessed on the API documentation page.

(info) Long Term Support (LTS) Releases

Some Release Notes on this page will be marked with the label.

LTS Releases were introduced in 2024 and are designed for stability and extended support, making them ideal for Private Cloud Enterprise customers who can only upgrade once or twice a year.

Each LTS Release is supported until the next LTS Release is released + additional 2 months transition period.

During the support period, updates for critical bug fixes and stability improvements are automatically deployed to customers on Public Cloud on a weekly basis. Private Cloud customers on LTS Releases have the flexibility to request these updates as needed, aligning with their own maintenance schedules.

Patches (e.g. hotfix) can be provided more frequently, depending on the urgency and impact.

For more information, refer to the XTM Release Strategy document.

(blue star) Latest updates

XTM Cloud 13.10 is out! Read the release notes

XTM Connect - Contentful 1.11 is out! Read the release notes

(blue star) Featured resources

Provide links to important links, documents and other resources.

(question) Online Help

(blue star) Change log

(blue star) API Documentation