Date [TIME_ZONE] | This column contains the actual date of a particular event. The date is presented in the format that has been selected for the particular user who downloads the file, in the XTM Cloud instance (Configuration → User details → General info → Date format).  The time zone that is displayed to the right is presented in the format that has been selected for the particular user who downloads the file, in the XTM Cloud instance (Configuration → User details → General info → Time zone).  |
User ID | This column contains the ID of the user who has triggered a particular event. The ID is taken from the user information (Users → User list → (find a relevant user) → tooltip → ID).  |
User name | This column contains the username of the user who has triggered a particular event (Users → User list → (select a user) → General → General info → Username).  |
LSP ID | This column contains the ID of the LSP that has triggered a particular event, if this was the LSP (Users → LSPs → LSPs → (find a relevant LSP) → tooltip → LSP ID).  |
LSP name | This column contains the company name of the LSP that has triggered a particular event, if this was the LSP (Users → LSPs → LSPs → (select a relevant LSP) → General → Company name).  |
Job ID | This column contains the ID of an XTM Cloud job, within the framework of which a particular event has occurred. The ID is taken from the related XTM Cloud project in the XTM Cloud UI (Project Editor → Workflow → (click on the context menu of a relevant XTM job) → Additional job details → Job ID).  |
Project ID | This column contains the ID of an XTM Cloud project, within the framework of which a particular event has occurred. The XTM Cloud project ID can be found in a couple of places in XTM Cloud. The value in this column is identical in all the rows in the entire file. For more information, read the following article: How to find a project ID. |
Project name | This column contains the name of an XTM Cloud project, within the framework of which a particular event has occurred. The XTM Cloud project name can be found in a couple of places in XTM Cloud. The value in this column is identical in all the rows in the entire file. For more information, read the following article: How to find basic contact details (URL, company name, project name). |
Target language | This column contains the project’s target language,, within the framework of which a particular event has occurred. If the project in question contains more than one target language, ensure that you look at the one you need (Project Editor → Workflow → Target language).  |
File name | This column contains the name of the source file,, within the framework of which a particular event has occurred. To view source file names, select Project Editor → Workflow.  |
Action name | This column might be the most important one in the entire report, since it displays information about a type of specific action that has taken place within the framework of a particular XTM project. See project-related actions recorded in the report below: Project created → Project creation. Completed analysis of the project → Project analysis completion and each subsequent project reanalysis. File added → Addition of a source file to the project. Workflow assigned - PM (action performed by a Project Manager) → Assign Linguists to at least one workflow step and save the changes. Workflow started - PM → Click the Start button. XTM Workbench opened (PM or Linguist) → Either a Project Manager or a Linguist has entered the XTM Workbench editor. Workflow active steps changed (PM or Linguist) → Transition between workflow steps triggered either by either a Project Manager or a Linguist. File generated → Project-specific file generated. It can be Target, XLIFF for offline translation, etc. File uploaded (PM or Linguist) → Project-specific file upload back into the project involved. It can be Target, XLIFF for offline translation, etc. Workflow changed in a popup window → Change in the workflow definition for a particular XTM Cloud job, performed in the Workflow editor. Moved forward to step → Transition of the workflow to the next step performed by a Project Manager directly in the Workflow section, and not caused by tasks being finished in XTM Workbench. Task finished (PM or Linguist)→ Either a Project Manager or Linguist has finished a task in XTM Workbench. Workflow finished (PM or Linguist)→ Either a Project Manager or Linguist has closed a particular workflow by finishing the very last step in the workflow. Project archived → A project has been archived in the XTM Cloud UI. Project activated → A project has been activated in the XTM Cloud UI. Project saved as template → A new XTM Cloud project template has been created by clicking the Save as template button in the Workflow section. GENERATE_TERM_EXTRACTION → Terminology has been extracted from the project. For more information, read the following articles: TM Approved → TM has been approved for the project from the project’s context menu in the XTM Cloud UI (Actions → Approve TM for this project). Project TM approved → Project TM approval process completed. Project leveraged and ICE segments accepted → Leveraged and ICE segments accepted for the project from the project’s context menu in the XTM Cloud UI (Actions → Accept Leveraged & ICE segments). Project history downloaded → The Project history report has been downloaded.
Additional information | This is probably the second most important column in the report since it mostly contains more detailed information about the action described in the corresponding row in the Action name column. For some actions that trigger a specific change, the column tells you what/who has been involved in the change, whereas, for other actions, the column provides more details. Some actions are not accompanied by any additional information. See examples below: Project created: Customer: TestCustomer, due date: 15-10-2024 10:00 . Completed analysis of the project: Customer: TestCustomer . File added: Added to a project . Workflow assigned - PM: Workflow started - PM: – XTM Workbench opened: Translate 1 step, segments: 1 - 35, 36 - 71, Edit mode, Hello . Workflow active steps changed: Was: Translate 1, now: Translate 1, Correct 1 . File generated: Target . File uploaded: XLIFF: The meaning of a word is in its use in a language - source.docx.xlf . Workflow changed in a popup window: Was: [Translate 1, CAT Tool Step, No approving TM, No due date] -> [Correct 1, CAT Tool Step, Approving TM, 15-10-2024 10:00], now: [Translate 1, CAT Tool Step, No approving TM, No due date] -> [Correct 1, CAT Tool Step, Approving TM, 15-10-2024 10:00] # [Review 1, CAT Tool Step, No approving TM, No due date] . Moved forward to step: Translate 1 to Correct 1 . Task finished: Segments: 1 - 13, review1 1, due date: 30-10-2024 11:00 . Workflow finished: – Project archived: – Project activated: – Project saved as template: Name: Exemplary Sample template, type: Customer specific, description: Description . GENERATE_TERM_EXTRACTION: – TM Approved: – Project TM approved: – Project leveraged and ICE segments accepted: – Project history downloaded: –