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When you manually create new client invoices in XTRF, they are not ready to be sent to clients right after creation. You need to take several steps to prepare an invoice for sending (for details, see the Create a client invoice guide). However, this process can be automated using a periodic job. To create such a job, perform the following steps.

  1. Go to the (blue star) Configuration menu > Integration > Periodic Jobs.

  2. Click the Add button. You will be directed to the Add page.

    Add.pngImage RemovedAdd.pngImage Added
    1. From the Type dropdown list, select Client Invoicing.

    2. Name your periodic job.

    3. Click the Save button. You will be directed to the newly created periodic job page.

  3. In the Job Configuration section, specify the invoice settings.

    Job Configuration section.pngImage RemovedJob Configuration section.pngImage Added
    1. Select the Invoice Type you are using:

      • Invoice.

      • Pro Forma Invoice.

      • Credit Note.

    2. Select the Invoice Status that will be assigned to invoices by this periodic job:

      • Sent – to fully automate the invoice sending.

      • Ready – to allow a Home Portal user to check the invoices and e-mails before sending them manually. With this option, you can make invoicing less formal and add a personal touch to every e-mail.

      • Not Ready – to create invoices in the Home Portal without actually preparing them. Some manual work and verification will still be required.

    3. Select the Invoice Signatory:

      • System Default – the Home Portal user defined as the Default Invoice Signatory in the (blue star) Configuration menu > Clients and Vendors > Client Settings > Invoicing tab.

      • A specific Home Portal user responsible for billing.

    4. From the Invoice Items Mode dropdown, select how the items should be created:

      • Add one item for all tasks – to create just one general item, e.g., 'Translation services.'

      • Add an item for each task – to itemize the project per language.

      • Add an item for each task receivable – to create detailed items that can specify the word count on the invoice.

    5. Select the invoice Payment Terms:

      • Select one of the payment terms defined in the (blue star) Configuration menu > Clients and Vendors > Client Settings > Payment Terms tab.

      • Select the Use Client Payment Terms option to use the payment terms defined in the client profile > Main Data tab > Invoicing subtab > Payment Terms subtab.
        💡 For more details about configuring payment terms, see the Configure payment settings for vendors and clients guide.

    6. With the Assign Available Funds checkbox, specify whether you want to assign funds from the client prepayments to invoices.

    7. From the Task selection filter dropdown, select the view that displays tasks that will be invoiced by this periodic job, e.g., Uninvoiced Project Tasks.
      (blue star) You might need to create a custom view with preselected tasks for invoicing. For details, see the Create a new Smart view guide.

    8. In the Create Invoices section, specify how you want to create invoices:

      • per client. In this case, the client's Accounting Contact Person will receive the invoice. If this person is not specified, the system will use the client's main e-mail address.

      • per contact person. In this case, the contact person from the invoiced project will receive the invoice. If an invoice includes several items from different projects, it will be sent to a randomly selected contact person defined in the included projects or tasks.
        (blue star) This setting is not available when creating invoices manually.

    9. (Optional) From the XTRF Macro Executed as a Post-action dropdown, select a macro you want to be executed by this periodic job after creating an invoice.

  4. In the Execution Configuration section, specify how often this periodic job should be triggered. For details, see the Add a periodic job guide.

  5. Click the Save button.

This periodic job will regularly check the view with uninvoiced tasks and create invoices according to your settings.