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There are a couple of substantial technical principles that you need to take into account when importing user data, since even one small mistake in the file might cause some of the users not to be imported, or cause the entire file import process to fail.




  1. There are 58 54 columns in total, and all of them MUST be present in the file.

  2. Eight columns are highlighted in yellow which means that they MUST have values inserted in them. Make sure that all these columns are filled with the details for every user that you have listed in the file. The columns are as follows: First Name, Last Name, Roles, Username, Nickname, Password, E-mail address, Language Combinations.

  3. If a particular column cell contains more than one value, make sure that you separate them with a comma and do not place any spaces in between them! The only exception to this rule is the Language Combinations column.

  4. In the Roles column, you are presented with the names of all the roles than can be inserted: translator, reviewer, corrector, terminologist, project_manager, tm_expert, pm_creator, pm_limited, cost_approver, Linguist. Make sure that the spelling is exactly the same as shown above.

  5. The values in the Username column MUST be unique! If two or more users in the file have the same username, only the user that occurs first, in the list, will be imported.

  6. The Password column can be tricky. Remember that the user’s password MUST comply with the same requirements as apply for all password creation in XTM Cloud:


minimum length: at least 1 character.

  1. .


  1. In the Language Combinations column, you need to pay attention to a couple of things.

  • First of all, the language code used in this column MUST follow a specific pattern: source_LANGUAGE->target_LANGUAGE Example: en_GB->pl_PL. It is important to remember that you must use -> as a directional mark and not, for example, > or .

  • Secondly, if there is more than one language combination, each one must be enclosed in brackets, which also act a sort of separator. The pattern is like this: (en_US -> ar_SA)(en_US -> bg_BG)(en_US -> zh_CN)(en_US -> hr_HR)


What happens after users are imported into the XTM Cloud UI?

Once the users are successfully imported into the XTM Cloud UI, they have empty passwords, that need to be set for each of them individually.

Therefore, two email notifications are sent off to a user’s email address provided in the import file:

  • The first email notification contains a URL that redirects the user to a password setup form.

  • The second email notification contains a URL that redirects the user to a login page page.