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This article provides background information about using various Costs & Metrics reports and analyzing related problems.


Correct costs generation is defined as generation without warning or error messages. In Project editor → Estimates Costs, warning or error messages are represented by a yellow or red icon on the right-hand side of a particular row. When you hover over this tooltip, you will see information about what needs to be reviewed and improved so that the costs can be generated correctly (see Costs generation – most common issues & troubleshooting for more information and troubleshooting guidelines).


By default, projects with incorrectly generated costs (yellow or red) are not displayed in Costs & Metrics reports. However, it is possible to include costs entries with WARNINGS (yellow) as well. For this purpose, we can first decide if such a possibility is to be selected by default, in the XTM Cloud UI (Configuration → Data → Estimates → Costs settings → Costs settingsInclude costs with warnings in Cost and metrics reports). Administrative privileges are required!


  1. Reports will always have a new Project cost warnings column containing YES or NO value.

  2. If costs are correct (blue mark), the column will say NO.

  3. If costs have warnings (yellow mark), the column will say YES, and the report will contain data for the project, including incomplete costs.

  4. For costs with errors (red mark), there will be an attempt to generate costs again. If the generated costs are correct or with warnings, they will be listed in the report. If the costs still have an error, they will be skipped.
