Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Table of Contents




Basic columns

Segment number

Shows each segment's number in XTM Workbench.

  • In the report, the column label is Id.

Source text

It shows the segment’s source text.

XTM status

Shows the XTM status of a particular segment at the time the report was generated. The status can have one of the following values:

  • Done,

  • To be done,

  • Draft,

  • To be corrected.

Segment ID

This ID relates to ID-based matching. If this feature is enabled, the ID for this segment is displayed.

  • In the report, the column label is Segment key.

Target text

Contains the segment’s target text.

XTM status/match type

Shows both the XTM status of a particular segment and its match type at the time the report was generated (if the match type exists). Match types can have one of the following values:

  • In context exact match,

  • Matched,

  • Unmatched,

  • Non-translatable.

Character limit

If a character length restriction is set for the target, that restriction will be displayed in this column. Keep in mind that the character restriction can only be applied to entire paragraphs, not individual segments.

Corrector changes

It shows all the changes made to the text by linguists assigned to the Correct step(s), following the first/Translate step. The changes are either marked in blue (addition) or crossed out red(removal).

If the Show usernames setting is selected, the column also displays the date and time at which a correction was made, and the username of the user who made it.

Date modified

It shows the date and time of last modification to a particular segment. The date and time format displayed in that column is based on individual User details settings.

Last modified by

It shows the username of the user who last modified a particular segment.

QA warnings

This contains the QA warnings for a particular segment (if they exist), as listed in the XTM Workbench QA panel. Keep in mind that, contrary to XTM Workbench, this column does not display spelling errors. Also, its exclusion from the report switches off the Only include segments with QA warnings setting.


It shows linguist comments (if they exist) from XTM Workbench for a particular segment.

If the Show usernames setting is selected, the column also displays the date and time at which a comment was made, and the username of the user who made it.

Date created

It shows the date and time when the first translation version was created for a particular segment. Therefore, if a pre-populated match is inserted in the segment, the date will point to an actual project creation date. The date and time format displayed in that column is based on individual User details settings.


It shows the name of the file that a particular segment comes from (one report can be generated for multiple files).


It shows all the matches that a particular segment received. They do not have to be pre-populated. The column displays the match type (in bold) and its text. The status can have one of the following values:

  • ICE,

  • Leveraged match,

  • Fuzzy match.

Advanced columns


It shows all the translation versions for a particular segment except for the last one, starting from whatever was entered first. As mentioned, the final manual translation of a segment does not count as a revision; therefore, it will not be displayed in the column.

  1. Consider a workflow in which there are two steps: Translate → Correct and the segment is to be translated from English to Polish: Alice has a cat.

  2. When the project is created, a pre-populated match is inserted in the segment. This segment contains the text: Ala ma chomika.

  3. In the Translate step, the first linguist translates the segment to: Ala ma psa.

  4. Then, in the Correct step, the second linguist corrects the previous linguist's translation by entering another version of it: Ala ma kota.

As a result, we end up with two revisions:

  • Ala ma chomika.

  • Ala ma psa.

Along with the revision number, the column also shows the workflow step name in which a particular revision was made.

If the Show usernames setting is selected, the column also displays the date and time at which a correction was made, and the username of the user who made it.

Pre-translated text

It shows a pure text, unedited by a linguist, coming directly from a pre-populated MT/TM match, if the project settings permitted this. The bold label at the top of the text indicates that an actual match has been applied.

Post-edited text

The column shows the linguist’s very first manual revision of a text that has been machine-translated or pre-populated from a TM.

  1. Imagine a workflow that consists of three steps: Translate → Correct1 → Correct2 and the segment to be translated from English to Polish: Alice has a cat.

  2. When the project is created, a pre-populated match is inserted in the segment. This segment contains the text: Ala ma chomika.

  3. In the Translate step, the first linguist translates the segment to: Ala ma psa.

  4. Then, in the Correct1 step, the second linguist corrects the previous linguist's translation, by entering another version of it: Ala ma rybki.

  5. Finally, in the Correct2 step, another linguist changes the translation to: Ala ma kota.

As a result, the "Post-edited text" column will only display the translation that was inserted in the Translate step, that is:

  • Ala ma psa.

Final text

It shows the text which is the final translation version of a particular segment in XTM Workbench and so will be displayed in a target document. Note that the workflow step name in bold indicates the step in which this final version was inserted/the segment containing this version status was confirmed, so it does not necessarily have to be the last step in the workflow. A linguist might as well have begun work on the project in one of the previous steps and made the change there.

Edit distance score

It shows the score. This will help you track the number of changes made by a post-editor in a machine-translated target segment.

See the following article to learn about accessing MT performance data: Accessing machine translation (MT) performance data.


Good to know!

The Preview Extended table can also be downloaded directly from XTM Workbench:
