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This section is a part of the Configuration menu. Access to this section may be restricted by Home Portal administrators.



The changes in the configuration menu settings will affect all XTRF users and, therefore, should be well considered.

Some settings depend on the selected XTRF plan and thus might be unavailable for some clients.


In the Projects and Quotes section, you can provide default settings for all the projects and quotes created in XTRF.



Make sure you are viewing this subsection in edit mode. If you can’t see the described fields or provide changes, click the Edit button at the bottom of the page.

Defaults (Classic) tab

In this tab, you can decide whether the automatic action jobs will be shown on the Classic Dashboard, the Jobs menu, or the project’s Multiple change page.

Scheduling tab

In this tab, you can:

  • Set the Default Time for Start Date and Time and Deadline for classic projects.

  • Make the deadline fields mandatory by checking the Make Project Deadlines Mandatory (Classic) box.

    • An additional Number of Days Added to Start Date when Automatically Converting Quote (Classic) field will appear. Based on the typical project duration, provide the number of days that will be used to calculate the deadline for projects converted from quotes automatically.

  • Uncheck the Estimate Dates with Accuracy to the Minute (Classic) box to calculate the estimated time for jobs in hours instead of hours and minutes.

  • Uncheck the Automatically Reset Jobs' Dates at Quote Conversion (Classic)to make the Reset Job’s Dates checkbox on the Converting Quote into Project page unchecked by default (see the Convert a quote into a project article).

  • With the Calculate Offer Expiration Date box, decide whether you want to calculate the offer expiration date automatically. If this option is enabled:

    • Decide whether you want to Calculate Offer Expiration Date in Working Days Only.

    • Provide the Offer Expiration Time in Days.

Availability Requests (Classic) tab

In this tab, you can allow sending availability requests for multiple jobs simultaneously. If the Send requests for multiple jobs at once if possible box is unchecked, vendors will receive each request in a separate e-mail.


The Columns in Availability Requests setting is deprecated.

Finance tab

In this tab, you can manage settings related to the project finances.

  • Uncheck the Automatically Recalculate Rates after Vendor Selection (Classic) box to make the Recalculate Rates after Selection checkbox in the Select Vendor pop-up window unchecked by default (see the Select vendors article).

  • Uncheck the Automatically Calculate Receivables Total Agreed box, so in the Receivables tab,the Total Agreed field stays empty, and the Auto-calculate Total Agreed box stays unchecked (see the Add a receivable and Add receivables articles).

  • Uncheck the Automatically Calculate Payables Total Cost box, so in the Payables tab,the Total Cost field stays empty, and the Auto-calculate Total Cost box stays unchecked (see the Add a payable and Add payables articles).

  • Check the Enable Editable CAT Weighted Totals box to unlock the (blue star) field in the Add CAT Payable/Receivable pop-up window.

Workflow (Classic) tab

In this tab, you can:

  • Decide whether you want to Auto-start Workflow after Quote Conversion (see the Convert a quote into a project article).

  • Decide for how many days the ready files should be available to clients via FTP/HTTP.

Notifications and Alerts tab

In this tab, you can:

  • Decide whether you want to Notify Vendors about Nearing Job Deadline by e-mail. If you enable this option, additional fields will appear.
    Note: The notifications will be sent based on the When job's deadline is nearing template (see the Events tab article).

    • With the checkboxes, decide when the notifications should be sent:

      • When 1/2 of the Time is Over

      • When 6/7 of the Time is Over

      • At Deadline

    • From the Applicable to the Following Job Types drop-down list, select the job types for which you want to send the notifications. Use the Add All and Remove All links to add or remove all the job types you have in the system.

  • (For classic projects) In the Warn When Margin Drops Below section, decide when the bar in the Finance tab should be marked in red. Provide the lowest acceptable margin percentage for the project to be considered a profitable one (see the Finance tab article).

Responsible Persons (Classic) tab

In this tab, you can decide who will be assigned to classic projects as the default responsible person. From the drop-down lists, select the appropriate XTRF user in each section.

Automations (Smart)

To learn about Smart automations, please go to the Automations (Smart) sub-page.

Process Templates (Smart)

In this subsection, you can create and configure process templates for Smart projects and quotes.


Process is a predefined project management workflow that can be used when running a project.

By default, you see the list of all templates with two filters on top of the table and information about Active status and management mode in columns. You can select another view or create a new one by clicking on the View drop-down list.


To learn more about views, see the Smart views article.

  • To add a process template, click the Add Process Template button. For more details, see the Add a Smart process template guide.

  • To edit a process template, click on its line. You will be directed to the Process Template Designer.
    (info)You can’t edit an Externally Managed process template.

  • To copy a process template, open it and click the Copy Process Template button in the top right-hand corner of the Process Template Designer.

  • To delete a process template, open it and click the Delete button in the top right-hand corner of the Process Template Designer.
    (info) You can’t delete the built-in process templates or those linked to specific services.

All the changes in the process templates are saved automatically.

Process Steps (Smart)

In this subsection, you can create and configure process steps for Smart projects.


Step is a basic component of the translation process. It defines which job type should be performed at each process stage. One step can consist of several jobs of the same type performed by different vendors.

By default, you see the list of all steps with information about step and job type, associated CAT tool, and CAT tool step in columns.

  • To add a new step, click the Add Step button. For more details, see the Add a Smart process step guide.

  • To edit a step, click on its line. You will be directed to this step page, described above.

  • To copy a step, click the (blue star) icon and then click the Copy button in the top right-hand corner of the step page.

  • To delete a step, click the (blue star) icon and then click the Delete button in the top right-hand corner of the step page.


You can’t delete the steps that are currently used in project templates.


To learn more about job types, see the System Values: Advanced - Job Types article.

Workflow Definitions (Classic)

In this subsection, you can create and configure workflows for Classic projects.


Workflow is a sequence of jobs performed in a project.

By default, you see the list of all workflows with several filters on the left and information about Active status and workflow Type in columns. You can select another view or create a new one by clicking on the View drop-down list.


To learn more about classic views, see the Classic views article.

  • To add a workflow, click the Add button. To learn more about creating workflows, see the Create a task workflow definition and Create a project workflow definition guides.

  • Click on a workflow to open it. Click the (blue star) icon to open it in edit mode. To learn more about workflow definition settings, see the Configure the task workflow definition guide.

  • To delete a workflow, click the (blue star) icon.

  • Check one or several boxes in the left column and click the (blue star) icon in the header. The action menu appears where you can:

    • Select or deselect all workflows.

    • Activate or deactivate the selected workflows.

    • Mark or unmark the selected workflows as preferred.

    • Duplicate the selected workflows.

    • Apply multiple changes to the selected workflows.

Automatic Actions (Classic)

In this subsection, you can create and configure automatic actions for classic projects.


Automatic actions are operations performed automatically by the XTRF system.

CAT tool-related automatic actions are highly configurable, while internal automatic actions usually can’t be changed.

By default, you see the list of all automatic actions with several filters on the left and information about Type, the Preferred Item, Default, and Active statuses in columns. You can select another view or create a new one by clicking on the View drop-down list.


To learn more about classic views, see the Classic views article.

  • To add an automatic action, click the Add button on top of the Automatic Actionstable. For more details, see the Add a Classic automatic action guide.

  • To edit an automatic action, click the (blue star) icon. To learn about automatic action settings, see the Add an automatic action section below.

  • To delete a rule, click the (blue star) icon.

  • To delete an automatic action, click the (blue star) icon.

  • Check one or several boxes in the left column and click the (blue star) icon in the header. The action menu appears where you can:

    • Select or deselect all automatic actions.

    • Activate or deactivate the selected automatic actions.

    • Mark or unmark the selected automatic actions as preferred.

Vendor / Provider Selection Rules (Smart)

In this subsection, you can create and configure how the vendors are selected for job offers in smart projects and quotes.


Vendor selection rule is a set of specific criteria used to automatically create a list of recipients for job offers.

Vendor selection1.png
  • To add a vendor selection rule, click the Add Rule button.

  • To edit a vendor selection rule, click on its name. You will be directed to this rule page.

For more details, see the the Add a Smart vendor selection rule guide.

Vendor / Provider Selection Rules (Classic)

In this subsection, you can create and configure how the vendors are selected for job offers in classic projects and quotes.


Vendor selection rule is a set of specific criteria used to automatically create a list of recipients for job offers.

By default, you see the list of all selection rules with two filters on the left and information about Preferred Item, Default, and Active status in columns. You can select another view or create a new one by clicking on the View drop-down list.


To learn more about classic views, see the Classic views article.

  • To add a set of vendor selection rules, click the Add button on top of the Vendor Filtering Rules for Availability Requests table. For more details, see the Add vendor selection rules for availability requests (Classic) guide.

  • Click on a rule to open it. Click the (blue star) icon to open it in edit mode. To learn about rule settings, see the Add vendor selection rules for availability requests section below.

  • To delete a rule, click the (blue star) icon.

Workflow Resources Selection Rules (Classic)

In this subsection, you can create and configure how the resources are selected for classic job workflows.


Workflow resources selection rules are a set of specific criteria used to automatically assign a resource to the workflow.

By default, you see the list of all selection rules with two filters on the left and information about Preferred Item and Active status in columns. You can select another view or create a new one by clicking on the View drop-down list.


To learn more about classic views, see the Classic views article.

  • To add a new set of rules, click the Add button on top of the Selection Rules for Workflow Resources table. For more details, see the Add workflow resources selection rules (Classic) guide.

  • Click on a rule to open it. Click the (blue star) icon to open it in edit mode. To learn about rule settings, see the Add selection rules for workflow resources section below.

  • To delete a rule, click the (blue star) icon.

You cannot edit or delete the two preinstalled rules: Selection Rule for Default TMs and Selection Rule for Default Terminology, as they ensure that every workflow has a TM and Terminology assigned.

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