Versions Compared


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Classic projects consist of four levels: Project, Language Combinations, Tasks, and Jobs, organized in the tree structure. Each project can have several language combinations, and each combination can have several tasks, and each task usually consists of several jobs.

The Project, Task, and Job levels have their own displays where you can set dates and payments, manage documents and feedback, send messages, etc.

Project menu

In the Project menu on the left, you can:

  • Switch between language combinations and tasks.

  • Check the project’s and tasks' statuses.

  • Perform project-related actions:

    • To add a new language combination, click the Add Language Combination button or the (blue star) icon in the project line (see the II. Add a language combination guide).

    • To add a new task, click the Add Task button or the (blue star) icon in the language combination line (see the III. Create a Task guide).

    • To copy an available task to other language combinations, click the Copy Task button (see the III. Create a Task | Copy a task guide).

    • To delete a task, click the (blue star) icon in the task line. The Delete pop-up window appears.

    Check the Delete associated files and folders from disc box to erase the related data from the server.

  • Click the Synchronize all button if you made any changes to the files directly on the server and want to see them reflected in your XTRF.

  • Click the Start All Workflows button to launch all project workflows that are eligible to be started.

  • Click on the project, language combination, or task to open the corresponding display on the right. To open it in edit mode, click the (blue star) icon.


The selected entity in the Project menu is highlighted in bold. If you select a task, the corresponding language combination and project will also be highlighted.

Project display

In this display, you can manage actions and data related to the whole project. To open the project display, click on the project line in the Project menu on the left.

Main Data tab

In this tab, you can check or change the project’s general settings and details.

Most fields are the same as in the Add Project page; however, this tab also has some additional options and data.

  • In the ID section, you can check the project’s ID number.

  • In the Project Group section, you can:

    • See the name of the group this project belongs to

    • Take the shortcut to the group page

    • Check the budget usage.

  • In the Status section, you can:

    • Check the project’s status.

    • Click the Cancel Project button and then confirm this action in the pop-up window.
      (blue star) You cannot cancel a project that includes tasks with jobs in the Started status. To cancel such a project, revert the jobs statuses to Open or Accepted.

    • Click the Close Project button (for projects with tasks that can’t be closed automatically). The Close Task pop-up window appears, where you can check if the tasks can be closed and check the Close Receivables when Possible box to close the receivables automatically.

  • In the Specialization section, you can change the project’s general specialization. Task specialization won’t be changed unless you check the Change in All Tasks box.

  • In the First Delivery Date and Time section, you can check when the first ready files were delivered or provide this information manually.

  • (For clients with several price profiles) In the Client Price Profile section, you can select another client price profile from the drop-down list. Click the Recalculate Rates button to recalculate the rates according to the newly selected price profile.

  • In the Origin section, you can check where this project was created.

To confirm the changes, click the Save button.

Instructions tab

In this tab, you can check the available instructions for the project, edit them, or add new ones.

  • Notes are visible to all responsible parties

  • Internal Special Instructions and Payment Note for Client - to your company users

  • Special Instructions from Client - to you and your client

  • Special Instructions for Vendor - to you and your vendors

Documents tab

In this tab, you can review, edit, and send the purchase orders (PO) and project confirmations.

Jobs section

In the Jobs section, you can select the jobs for which you want to send the purchase orders. The purchase orders are available for jobs with added payables only.

  • From the Sort by drop-down list, you can select how the jobs will be displayed - by vendors or by tasks.

  • In the Purchase Order Status, you can check if the PO was already sent to the vendor. The possible statuses are:

    • Sent

    • Not sent

    • Sent but Modified - if the payable was changed after sending.

  • In the Document Template column, you can select another template for different PO. To learn more about document templates, see the Document templates article.

  • In the Preview & Print column, you can preview the PO by clicking the (blue star) icon .

  • To send purchase orders, click one of the buttons at the bottom of the section. For details, see the Send purchase orders in a Classic project guide.

Receivables section

In the Receivables section, you can select which confirmations to send to the client.

  • In the Document Template column, you can select another template for different confirmations. To learn more about document templates, see the Document templates article.

  • In the Preview & Print column, click the (blue star) icon to preview the confirmation.

  • To send project confirmations, click one of the buttons at the bottom of the section. For details, see the Send a project confirmation for a Classic project.

Finance tab

In this tab, you can monitor the project’s finances:

The bar at the top displays the project’s Total Agreed : Total Cost ratio, along with the Margin and ROI percentage.


If the margin is less than 20%, the bar is displayed in red.

In the Prepayment section, you can add a prepayment for the project. For details, see the Add a prepayment guide.

To learn more about invoicing and payments, see the Invoicing module article.

The table at the bottom allows you to overview the project’s tasks, receivables, and jobs.

In the Tasks tab, you can:

  • Check the task’s finances in the Total Cost, Total Agreed, and ROI columns.

  • Click the (blue star) icon to check the column sum. The Column Sum pop-up window appears, where you can see the sum of all receivables and payables. If you have payables in different currencies, the sum will be displayed in the system’s default currency.

  • Take a shortcut to the task’s Receivables tab by clicking the task line or the (blue star) icon.

In the Receivables tab, you can:

  • Use the filters on the left to find a specific receivable.

  • Check the details of the receivables, i. a. calculation units, minimum charge, CAT quantities, etc.

  • Take a shortcut to the task’s Receivables tab by clicking the task line or the (blue star) icon.

In the Jobs tab, you can:

  • Use the filters on the left to find a specific job.

  • Check the job's details.


To learn how to change the columns and filters in the table, see the Classic views article.

Survey tab

In this tab, you can send a satisfaction survey to your client and check its results after the project is closed.

  • Remove unwanted survey questions by clicking the (blue star) icon. To change or add the questions, go to (blue star) Configuration menu > Clients and Vendors > Client Settings > Satisfaction Survey tab.

  • Click the (blue star) icon to edit the e-mail message sent with the survey.

  • Click the Send Survey to Client button.

After the client completes the survey, its results will be displayed in the tab.

In case the survey wasn’t conducted through the Home Portal, you can enter the results manually.

  • To erase the survey results, click the Clear Survey button.


This feature is included in Professional and Ultimate XTRF Plans.  

Feedback tab

In this tab, you can check and edit the feedback left by the client on the Client Portal or add your own. For details, see the Add a feedback report guide.

CRM tab

In the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tab, you can create, plan, and review CRM-related actions concerning this project.

  • To create new project-related activities, click on the buttons on top of the CRM table. From this tab, you can send an e-mail from scratch or a template, save an e-mail to this client as a template, create a memo, log a call, or plan a task or an event. For details, see the Add a CRM activity guide.

  • To find a certain activity or narrow down the CRM list, use the filters on the left. Select the desired filter(s) and then click the Search button.

  • You can edit the default view of the CRM activities or create a new one. To learn how to do that, see the Classic views article.

Messages tab

This functionality is deprecated. To check the project-related messages, go to the CRM tab.

History tab

In this tab, you can check all the major changes made to the project.

Use the filters on top to find specific changes.


This feature is available only for Professional and Ultimate XTRF Plans. Additional charges may apply. Please contact our Help Desk or your Regional Growth Manager for more information. 

Language combination display

To open the overview of a language combination, click on its line in the Project menu.

Here you can:

  • Check the language combination details (languages and tasks).

  • Take a shortcut to the task by clicking on its line in the Tasks table.

  • Click the (blue star) icon to check the column sum. The Column Sum pop-up window appears, where you can see the sum of all receivables and payables. If you have payables in different currencies, the sum will be displayed in the system’s default currency.

  • Edit the default task view or create a new one. To learn how to do that, see the Classic views article.

Task menu

In the Tasks menu on the left, you can:

  • Switch between tasks.

  • Perform task-related actions:

    • To create a new task, click the Add Task button. To learn more about adding tasks, see the III. Create a Task guide.

    • To copy a task, click the Copy Task button. To learn more about copying tasks, see the III. Create a Task | Copy a task guide.

    • To open a task in edit mode, click the (blue star) icon.

    • To delete a task, click the (blue star) icon. The Delete pop-up window appears.

      Check the Delete associated files and folders from disc box to erase this task’s data from the server.

  • Select a task and click the(blue star) icon to open the drop-down menu. In this menu, you can:

    • Upload Input Files to the selected task(s). The Upload file pop-up window appears (for more information about uploading files, see the IV. Upload source files guide).

    • Deliver filesto the client. Click the Deliver Files or Deliver All Files buttons. You will be directed to the Deliver Files page.

      • Check the necessary box(es) in the Selected Task section.

      • Check the Accept All Possible Files box to deliver all the files from the selected task's Output Files folder. If the box is unchecked, only the files accepted in the Workflow Graph tab will be delivered.

      • Check the Send E-mail to the Client box to send an e-mail along with the files. To edit the e-mail, click the Edit button.

      • Click the Deliver button.

    • Apply Multiple Change.

Tasks display

In this display, you can manage actions and data related to a certain task. To open the task display, click on the selected task in the Project or Task menu.

Main Data tab

In this tab, you can check or change the task’s general settings and details.

The fields are the same as in the Project display.

You can cancel or close the task in the Status section:

  • Click the Cancel Task button and then confirm this action in the pop-up window.

  • Click the Close Task button (for tasks that can’t be closed automatically). The Close Task pop-up window appears, where you can check if the task can be closed and check the Close Receivables when Possible box to close the receivables automatically.

Workflow Graph tab

In this tab, you can overview the task execution, configure the workflow, modify and create jobs, and upload and download files.

Workflow Graph section

Here you can see the task workflow as a consecutive process with jobs displayed on separate cards.

Image RemovedImage Added

In the workflow graph, you can:

Image RemovedImage Added
  • Start the translating process by clicking the Start Workflow button.

  • In the job card:

    • Select a vendor for the job (see the V. Select vendors guide).

    • Click the (blue star)(blue star) icons to switch the job status backward or forward. The job status can be:

      • Open

      • Offers Sent

      • Accepted

      • Started

      • Ready

    • Click the (blue star) icon to manage bundles (see the Manage bundles guide).

    • Click the (blue star) icon to edit the job.

    • Click the (blue star) icon to delete the job.


The job status depends on the statuses of other jobs in the task and sometimes can’t be changed separately.

  • In the Task Input card:

    • Add files to the task by clicking the Add button (see the IV. Upload source files guide).

    • Synchronize the files between XTRF and the Input files folder on the server.

  • In the Task Output card:

    • Check the box to Auto-notify Client about the readiness of the files.

    • Upload the ready files.

    • Synchronize the files between XTRF and the Output files folder on the server.

Workflow Directories section

In this section, you can overview the file directories created on the server for the selected task and manage their content.

In the folder tree on the left, you can see all the folders created for this task. To see the folder content, click on its name in the tree.


You can’t rename or delete the server’s directories or folders in the Home Portal.

Here you can:

  • Select the files and click the Selection button to open a drop-down menu of file-related actions:

    • Synchronize the files between XTRF and the server.

    • Download or Download as ZIP.

    • Upload files.

    • Delete files

    • Refresh files.

    • Move to Bundle - assign selected files to a bundle (see the Manage bundles guide).

  • Click the Folder button to open a drop-down menu of folder-related actions:

    • Synchronize the folder content between XTRF and the server.

    • Download as ZIP.

    • Upload files.

    • Delete files.

    • Create Directory - add a subfolder.

    • Move to Bundle - assign the whole folder to a bundle or create a new one (see the Manage bundles guide).

    • Refresh the folder.


Available actions in both Selection and Folder menus depend on the folder type.

  • Click the Upload File to add new files to the folder (available in the task’s Input Files and job’s and task’s Output Files folders).

  • Click the Up button to go one level up in the folder tree structure.

  • Change the way the folder content is displayed by clicking the Customize button (see the Customize a workflow directory guide).


To learn how to customize directories and output file names, see the Workflow Definitions (Classic) article.

CAT Tools tab

This tab content and available settings depend on the selected CAT tool. To learn more about settings specific to your integrations, see the related articles in the CAT tools section of the XTRF knowledge base.

Instructions tab

In this tab, you can check the available instructions for the project and task, edit them, or add new ones.

  • Notes are visible to all responsible parties

  • Internal Special Instructions and Payment Note for Client - to your company users

  • Special Instructions from Client - to you and your client

  • Special Instructions for Vendor - to you and your vendors

Receivables tab

In this tab, you can overview the task’s receivables, edit them, or add new ones.

In the receivables overview section, you can see the summary of all the added receivables. Here you can also:

  • Add or edit an overall Discount / Surcharge.

  • Uncheck the Auto-calculate Total Agreed box to edit the Total Agreed field manually. To change the default setting of this checkbox, go to the (blue star) Finance tab.

In the receivables table, you can:

  • Check the receivables details. Hover over the receivable to activate the Receivable Display Panel with more detailed information.

  • Click the(blue star) (blue star) icons to switch between receivable statuses:

    • Open - the receivable is not ready to be sent.

    • Assigned - the preparation of the receivable is assigned to a person from your company.

    • Ready - the receivable is complete and can be sent to the client.

    • Sent - the receivable was delivered to the client.

    • Canceled - this status appears automatically in canceled projects.

  • Click the (blue star) icon to edit the receivable.

  • Click the (blue star) icon to delete the receivable.

To learn how to add a receivable, see the Add a receivable and Use CAT analyses to define payables and receivables | Add CAT receivable (Classic) guides.


Receivables can also be configured on the workflow definition level. To learn more, see the Projects and Quotes - Workflow Definitions (Classic) - Receivables tab article.

Job Offers tab

Classic Availability Requests subtab

In this tab, you can simultaneously send job offers for all jobs included in the task, select the strategy to determine which vendors will be assigned to the job, or manually assign the vendors.

To learn how to send availability requests, see the Assign vendors through availability requests | I. Create and send availability requests guide.

You can decide whether the vendors should receive requests for each job in one message or in separate messages in (blue star) Availability Requests (Classic) tab.

To learn about workflow-related default settings of availability requests, see the Workflow Definitions (Classic) and Notifications and Alerts tab article.

Advanced Job Offers subtab

In this tab, you can send advanced job offers through the Job Offers app.

  • Decide whether you want to Automatically start Job after Vendor selection.

  • Click the Send Job Offers button to activate the Job Offers app.


To lean more about the Job Offers app, see the XTRF Guide to Job Offers App article.

Jobs tab

In this tab, you can overview and manage the jobs included in the task.

  • To change the job status, click the (blue star) (blue star) icons in the Job Status column.

  • To select a vendor for the job, click the Select Vendor button in the Vendor column.

  • To edit the job, click the (blue star) icon. You will be directed to this job display.

  • To delete the job, click the (blue star) icon.

  • To add a new job, click the Add Job button. For details, see the Add a classic job guide.

  • To open the additional actions menu, check one or several boxes in the right-hand column and click the(blue star) icon. Here you can:

    • Select or deselect all jobs.

    • Select one vendor for all the selected jobs.

    • Apply Multiple Change.

Documents tab

In this tab, you can review, edit, and send the purchase orders (PO) and task confirmations.

Jobs section

In the Jobs section, you can select the jobs for which you want to send the purchase orders. The purchase orders are available for jobs with added payables only.

  • From the Sort by drop-down list, select how the jobs will be displayed - by vendors or by tasks.

  • In the Purchase Order Status, you can check if the PO was already sent to the vendor. The possible statuses are:

    • Sent

    • Not sent

    • Sent but Modified - if the payable was changed after sending.

  • In the Document Template column, you can select another template for different PO. To learn more about document templates, see the Templates - Document templates article.

  • In the Preview & Print column, click the (blue star) icon to preview the PO.

  • To send purchase orders, click one of the buttons at the bottom of the section. For details, see the Send purchase orders in a classic project guide.

Receivables section

In the Receivables section, you can select which confirmations to send to the client.

  • In the Document Template column, you can select another template for the task confirmation. To learn more about document templates, see the Templates - Document templates article.

  • In the Preview & Print column, click the (blue star) icon to preview the confirmation.

  • To send project confirmations, click one of the buttons at the bottom of the section. For details, see the Send a project confirmation for a Classic project.

Finance tab

In this tab, you can select the task's payment terms and dates, review the ready invoice, and check the task's payment status and the exchange rate.

Invoice subtab

In the Invoice subtab, you can:

  • Decide whether this task should be invoiced when finished.

  • Check the Default box to use settings defined in the client’s profile (see the Clients module - Client's profile - Invoicing subtab article) or uncheck it to provide custom terms:

  • Click the Add Invoice button. You will be directed to the Invoicing module > Client Invoice page. To learn more about creating an invoice, see the Create a client invoice guide.

  • If an invoice for this task is already created, additional fields appear with the invoice details.

    • Click the number in the Invoice number section to open this invoice page.

    • Click the Download Invoicelink to open the invoice in PDF.

Currency subtab

In the Currency subtab, you can:

  • Check the Exchange Rate if the base system currency differs from the client’s price profile currency.

  • Check or provide the Date when the exchange rate was updated.

  • Check how the exchange rate was updated: Manually entered or Added automatically when the task was created. To learn more about exchange rates and currency, see the Currencies article

CRM tab

In the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tab, you can create, plan, and review CRM-related actions concerning this task.

  • To create new project-related activities, click on the buttons on top of the CRM table. From this tab, you can send an e-mail from scratch or a template, save an e-mail to this client as a template, create a memo, log a call, or plan a task or an event. For details, see the Add a CRM activity guide.

  • To find a certain activity or narrow down the CRM list, use the filters on the left. Select the desired filter(s) and then click the Search button.

  • You can edit the default view of the CRM activities or create a new one. To learn how to do that, see the Classic views article.

Messages tab

This functionality is deprecated. To check the task-related messages, go to the CRM tab.

Jobs menu

In the Jobs menu on the left, you can:

  • Switch between jobs included in the project.

  • Open the job page in edit mode by clicking the (blue star) icon.

  • Delete the job by clicking the (blue star) icon. The Delete pop-up window appears, where you can decide whether you want to delete associated files and confirm your choice.

  • Select a job and click the (blue star) icon. The drop-down menu appears, where you can:

    • Select or deselect all jobs.

    • Select one vendor for all selected jobs.

    • Apply Multiple Change.

Job display

Main Data tab

In this tab, you can check or change the job’s general settings and details.

Here you can:

  • Check the job’sID, Job Type, Purchase Order Status, Language Combination, vendor’s Price Profile, Started and Finished dates.

  • Change the Job Status by clicking the (blue star) (blue star) icons.

  • Cancel the job by clicking the Cancel Job button (for jobs with Open and Accepted statuses only).

  • Click thelink in the Vendor section to open the vendor’s Info Card pop-up window.

  • Change the vendor’s Contact Person or add a new one.

  • Check or change the Start Date and Time and Deadline dates.


In the jobs display, an additional Back to Task button appears next to the Edit / Save and Cancel buttons. Use it as a shortcut to the parent task display.

Evaluation tab

In this tab, you can see the results of the vendor evaluation performed by a Home Portal user.

There are two types of evaluation: a 5 or 10-point scale rating and a LISA (Localization Industry Standards Association) evaluation.


To switch between the 5 and 10-point scale, go to (blue star) Configuration menu > Clients and Vendors > Vendor Settings > Evaluation tab.

  • For a regular evaluation, click on the stars in the Evaluation section. You may also provide comments in the Internal Feedback section.

  • To activate LISA evaluation, click the Add LISA Evaluation button. For details, see the Add a LISA evaluation guide.



After you click the Add LISA Evaluation button, you can’t change the rating in the Evaluation section. After you click the Apply LISA Evaluation button, it will be automatically recalculated according to the LISA evaluation.

Job Offers tab

Classic Availability Requests subtab

In this tab, you can send availability requests for the job along with the work files, select the strategy to determine which vendors will be assigned to the job, or manually assign the vendors. For details, see the Assign vendors through availability requests | On the job level guide.

Advanced Job Offers subtab

In this tab, you can send advanced job offers through the Job Offers app.

  • Decide whether you want to Automatically start Job after Vendor selection.

  • Click the Send Job Offers button to activate the Job Offers app.


To lean more about the Job Offers app, see the Advanced Job Offers guide.

Files tab

In this tab, you can manage the job-related files.

  • To upload the vendor’s ready files, select the Output Files folder and click the Upload File button. The Upload File pop-up appears, where you can add files from your local machine, decide whether you want to Unzip the files, and assign them to a desired Category and Directory.



You cannot upload input files in this tab. To upload the files necessary for the job, go to the Workflow Directories tab.

  • To mark the job as Finishedor Partially Finished, click the corresponding buttons.

  • To synchronize the files between XTRF and the corresponding folder on the server, click the Synchronize button.

  • To learn more about managing files and folders, see the Workflow Directories section of this article.

Instructions tab

In this tab, you can check the available instructions for the project, task, and job, edit them, or add new ones.

  • Internal Special Instructions and Payment Note for Vendor - to your company users

  • Special Instructions from Client - to you and your client

  • Special Instructions for Vendor - to you and your vendors


Notes from Vendor to PM are provided by the vendor on the Vendor Portal and can’t be modified.

Payables tab

In this tab, you can overview the job’s payables, edit them, or add new ones.

In the payables overview section, you can see the summary of all the added payables. Here you can also:

  • Add or edit an overall Discount / Surcharge.

  • Uncheck the Auto-calculate Cost box to edit the Total Cost field manually. To change the default setting of this checkbox, go to the(blue star) Configuration menu → Projects and Quotes → Settings → Finance tab.

In the payables table, you can:

  • Check the details of the payables. Hover over the payable to activate the Payable Display Panel with more detailed information.

  • Click the (blue star) icon to edit the payable.

  • Click the (blue star) icon to delete the payable.

To learn how to add a payable, see the Add a payable guides.

Finance tab

In this tab, you can select the job’s payment terms and dates, review the ready invoice, and check the job's payment status and the exchange rate.

Invoice subtab

In the Invoice subtab, you can:

Currency subtab

In the Currency subtab, you can:

  • Check the Exchange Rate if the base system currency differs from the vendor’s price profile currency.

  • Check or provide the Date when the exchange rate was updated.

  • Check how the exchange rate was updated: Manually entered or Added automatically when the task was created. To learn more about exchange rates and currency, see the Currencies article

Feedback tab

In this tab, you can check and edit the feedback left by the client on the Client Portal or other users of the Home Portal or add your own.

All the feedback for this job will be displayed in the Feedback Report table. To check the feedback report details, click on its line in the table. To edit the feedback, click the (blue star) icon. To learn how to add a feedback report, see the Add a feedback report guide.

CRM tab

In the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tab, you can create, plan, and review CRM-related actions concerning this job.

  • To create new job-related activities, click on the buttons on top of the CRM table. From this tab, you can send an e-mail from scratch or a template, save an e-mail to this client as a template, create a memo, log a call, or plan a task or an event. To learn how to create new CRM activities, see the Add a CRM activity guide.

  • To find a certain activity or narrow down the CRM list, use the filters on the left. Select the desired filter(s) and then click the Search button.

  • You can edit the default view of the CRM activities or create a new one. To learn how to do that, see the Classic views article.

Messages tab

This functionality is deprecated. To check the job-related messages, go to the CRM tab.

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