The second level of enabling TIPP format is the XTM customer, which becomes available only if TIPP format was enabled globally.
Allow linguists to download: TIPP,
Allow linguists to upload: TIPP.
XTM project template level
The third level of enabling TIPP format is at the XTM project template, which becomes available only if TIPP format was enabled globally.
The use of TIPP is also related to the so-called XLIFF:doc statuses, which are used in offline translation when uploading TIPP packages to XTM Cloud from external CAT tools which support that format. Such statuses are then displayed in their corresponding segments in XTM Workbench. To learn more about this topic, read the following article: XLIFF:doc status.
Segments containing specific XLIFF:doc statuses can also be locked in XTM Workbench, by enabling and setting relevant options in the XTM Cloud UI, which is the only possibility to make certain segments locked in the editor after importing the TIPP file back into an XTM project.