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What is aligning?
Aligning involves pairing source file segments (untranslated) with target file segments (the source file translations). During the aligning process, the output XLSX file, containing segments pairs, is created. After small modifications (deleting the appropriate columns and rows in the file), the output file can be used as translation memory and be imported into XTM Cloud.
Keep in mind that TM Align is not available on freelance XTM Cloud and group accounts. You need align access rights to use these features! |
Aligning process
To see a step-by-step aligning guideline, we recommend that you read the following article: How to align translated documents.
After the process is started, the analysis of the input files is performed to create XLF files in the back-end that are used for alignment.
Once the alignment has been performed, the output files are created which are downloadable in the XTM Cloud UI:
Keep in mind that not all language combinations that can be selected from the Source language and Target language dropdowns will work in this case. See a complete list of languages which are supported by the Align feature, below. If needed, the languages within each combination can be inverted.
Alignment related files
The downloaded zip file always contains two Excel files:
The file's content:
Src Seg. (coulmn column “A”) → the segment number from the source file;
en_NT (column “B”) → the source segments language code;
fr_CH (column “C”) → the target segments language code;
Tgt Seg. (column “D”) → the segment number from the target file;
Probability (coulmn column “E”) → the probability that the target segment is the translation of the source segment;
prevCRC (column “F”) → CRC value of the previous segment;
nextCRC (column “G”) → CRC value of the next segment;
Info |
In XTM Cloud, CRC relates to the unique Cyclical Redundancy Check identifier of the segment. This can be described as a unique signature for a particular segment. The prev(ious) and next CRC values are required when updating the TM database, as this drives ICE (In-context exact) matching. |
src filename (column “H”) → the source file name;
tgt filename (column “I”) → the target file name;
segmentid (
column “J”) → segment ID.
Info |
The colored boxes are an indicator of how well the segment pair fitted each other (calculated by the A.I. - it is estimated on the basis of the dictionaries used for the particular language pair). |
If you have any problems using the aligning feature, we highly recommend that you read our article about aligning constraints which describes the most common problems relating to this particular module: Aligning – most common issues & troubleshooting.