This article provides details of how ICU plural plurals syntax can be processed in XTM Cloud, explaining what is possible, and what is not.
When creating an ICU plural message, you can use the Online ICU Message Editor to check if it works as you expect.
How does XTM Cloud handle
ICU plurals syntax?
To request a configuration that processes the ICU plurals syntax efficiently, you need to create a ticket for the XTM Support team.
In JSON files, we can activate our special ICU plurals parser, which interprets the ICU plurals syntax and adds or removes plural forms for translation, depending on the target file.
In files whose format is not JSON, no ICU syntax parser is available yet in XTM Cloud. The XTM Support team can only configure custom variables to convert the syntax elements that these non-JSON files contain into inline tags.
Consequently, the ICU plurals syntax is partially protected from modification, but the inline tags must be placed carefully to ensure that everything works as expected.