Activity: The activity feed shows all projects in your Locale instance. Each project appears with the project name, language pairs, start and finish dates, as well as it’s current status. There is also a view button which can be selected for a closer look at the project itself. Activities can also be filtered according to date and status.
Accounts: The Accounts tab shows a list of any/all agency accounts or end client accounts in your Locale instance. The creation and last update dates are also displayed, as well as their status (active, inactive) and a view button to see more information about an account.
Agency Accounts: Agency accounts are indicated with a small building icon that is attached to the logo of the account. Agency accounts can also contain multiple end clients as part of their configuration
End client accounts: End client accounts are dhown simply with a logo as part of their account.
Projects: Projects refer to the combination of a data source and a processor together to create a workflow for translation. This heading can be seen from the activity view where the project name is visible. The default name of a project is “My XXXXX project” bit can easily be customized from the project creation summary page
Projects are sometimes referred to as a workflow, when we consider the project and each of it’s components
Authentications: Authentications refer to the connections that have been authenticated within a Locale instance. In this case, for an end user it may be something like authenticated access to a data source like HubSpot. For an Agency, it may refer to something like a TMS authentication to XTM where the agency grants access to the end client to be able to send / receive content and project information from their XTM instance. Authentications have 2 status:
Private: A private authentication can only be accessed by the company which has created it.Delegatedis private to the Locale instance, and cannot be used outside of the owner account.
Example: An agency has configured their WPML instance to send content to their own XTM instance. No one outside of the agency organization will have access to either the WPML instance, or the XTM instance.
Shared: A shared authentication is an authentication used to create delegated connections for end users.
Example: An agency would create unique shared connections to their XTM server. These shared authentications contain server location and API key information for verification.
Delegated: Delegated authentications are authentications which have been delegated, or shared, with the end client.
Example: An agency makes the “MT onlyˮ workflow authentication available in their Locale instance where their end-client is able to login and create projects. This way, anytime the client needs to send content to agency for MT only translation, they simply select the delegated authentication option in their Locale instance. This authentication is owned and configured by the Agency to include the specific project template needed for their workflows, TM settings, etc which can be configured, owned, and maintained by the agency.