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Translating offline with XLIFF format is described in more detail in the following article: Restrictions and good practices when dealing with XLIFF and multi-XLIFF files in offline translation. The second file format that is used for offline translation is TIPP.


  1. To use TIPP format in XTM Cloud, we first need to enable the feature in Configuration → Settings → SystemEnable TIPP (administrative privileges required!).


  1. Next, the Linguist who is assigned to a workflow step in a particular XTM Cloud project (or a Project manager or Administrator) can generate a TIPP file from a single XTM job.


  1. After downloading the TIPP file, you can break it down into individual components. Change the extension of the file from .tipp to .zip.

  2. Now extract its contents. You will see that the TIPP file consists of two files: manifest.xml and

    • contains an XLF file.

    • manifest.xml is an XML document, which all TIPP files must have. It contains such vital information as the unique package ID, language combination and information on whether it is a task response package or a task request package.

  3. As mentioned in the previous point, a unique package ID is placed in the manifest.xml file. Either open it in a browser or other suitable tool (for instance, Notepad++). The unique package ID is located within the <UniquePackageID>...</UniquePackageID> element.


TIPP configuration level in XTM Cloud

General information

Once the TIPP format is enabled in the system, by administrators (Configuration → Settings → SystemEnable TIPP), the access for the TIPP format can also be granted at three different levels:

  • Global,

  • XTM customer,

  • XTM project template.

Global level

The first level of enabling the TIPP format is the global one.

Once you enable the TIPP format in the system, you have to confer the rights to download and/or upload a TIPP file by your Linguists globally, otherwise they will not be able to use it in any project in XTM Cloud at all.

For this purpose, as an administrator, go to Configuration → Settings → Translation → Workflow and access → Linguist general options:

  • Allow linguists to download: TIPP,

  • Allow linguists to upload: TIPP.


XTM customer level

The second level of enabling TIPP format is the XTM customer, which becomes available only if TIPP format was enabled globally.

Enabling the right download and/or upload TIPP files for a particular XTM customer means that unless you use any XTM project templates for creating your XTM projects, which do not have the rights for TIPP format enabled, each XTM project created under this very customer will allow for working with a TIPP file offline.

For this purpose, go to Customers → Customer list → (select a relevant customer) → Settings → File upload/download by linguist:

  • Allow linguists to download: TIPP,

  • Allow linguists to upload: TIPP.


XTM project template

The third level of enabling TIPP format is at the XTM project template, which becomes available only if TIPP format was enabled globally.

Enabling the rights to download and/or upload TIPP files for a particular XTM project template means that Linguists will be able to work with a TIPP file offline for each and every project created with the use of this very project template, regardless of the fact that the XTM customer to which this project template might be assigned in the XTM Cloud UI does not have such rights granted at all.

For this purpose, go to Projects Templates → (select a relevant project template) → Project detailsFile upload/download by linguists:

  • Allow linguists to download: TIPP,

  • Allow linguists to upload: TIPP.


Good to know!

The use of TIPP is also related to the so-called XLIFF:doc statuses, which are used in offline translation when uploading TIPP packages to XTM Cloud from external CAT tools which support that format. Such statuses are then displayed in their corresponding segments in XTM Workbench. To learn more about this topic, read the following article: XLIFF:doc status.