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The access key is generated in the Admin Page → Advanced Parameters → Webservice. When creating and configuring the access key from your PrestaShop instance to be used in Locale, it’s it is important to include the 3 following components/resources:

Product Resources must be enabled as seen below (read and write).


  • Language Resources must be enabled as seen below (read and write).

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  • PrestaShop Webservice Activation must be enabled as seen below.

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Language mapping

The languages which are enabled for translation in your PrestaShop instance must contain language codes (language_code) that match the languages codes in Locale.


Language mapping information for PrestaShop can be found under the Localization settings when adding or editing a language as seen below. Locale relies on the information in the language_code section so be sure that the language code here matches the same language code which can be found in Locale (see screenshot above as well as below).



  • Physical URL: The physical path of your installation on your server. If you installed the store in the root directory, then the physical URL should be /. Alternatively, if you installed your store in a sub-folder, the physical URL is the name of the subfoldersub-folder.

  • Virtual URL: Thanks to URL rewriting, you can use this option if you want to create a store with a URL that doesn't exist on your server, without having to create a sub-folder. For example, if you want your store to be available with the URL, you have to set “shoes/” in this field, assuming that my-store/ is your physical URL. Friendly URLs must be enabled in Shop Parameters >Traffic → Traffic & SEO.

    • Note that this option only works for subfolder stores, not subdomain stores.

  • Final URL: Here, you can get a preview of what the store's URL will look like, based on above settings.