Before reading this article, we recommend that you find out how to import an XTM Cloud translation memory. See How to import a translation memory (TM) into XTM Cloud. |
During TM import, each trans-unit (source/target segment pair) is treated as a separate entity and not as a sequence. For the context to be imported into the TM, it need to be specified for each trans-unit, with the proper syntax. Example:
Code Block | ||
| ||
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?> <!DOCTYPE tmx SYSTEM "tmx14.dtd"> <tmx version="1.4"> <header creationtool="externalToolName" creationtoolversion="9.2.5" segtype="sentence" adminlang="en-us" creationid="Admin" srclang="en-us" o-tmf="externalToolName" datatype="unknown"> <prop type="defclient">test</prop> <prop type="defproject"> </prop> <prop type="defdomain"> </prop> <prop type="defsubject"> </prop> <prop type="description">some description</prop> <prop type="targetlang">fr-fr</prop> <prop type="name">fr-FR</prop> </header> <body> <tu changedate="20191002T105401Z" creationdate="20190926T083806Z" creationid="id" changeid="id"> <prop type="client">test</prop> <prop type="project">Project Doc</prop> <prop type="domain">test</prop> <prop type="subject">test</prop> <prop type="corrected">no</prop> <prop type="aligned">no</prop> <prop type="x-document">Project Doc.docx</prop> <tuv xml:lang="en-us"> <prop type="x-context-pre">exemplary previous context</prop> <prop type="x-context-post">exemplary next context</prop> <seg>test src segment</seg> </tuv> <tuv xml:lang="fr-fr"> <seg>test translation</seg> </tuv> </tu> </body> </tmx> |
Good to know!
During the TM import process, you might sometimes experience the Done with errors message in the Import history section.
Click on the Details option, to see the root cause of the issue.
We can see that some segments were NOT imported, which means that some segments were imported.
Following the message, try to review your source file and pinpoint potential errors. In the vast majority of cases, the problem stems from any kind of inconsistency in inline tags or lack thereof in some places in imported segments.