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Table of Contents

This section is a part of the Configuration menu. Access to this section may be restricted by Home Portal administrators.


The changes in the configuration menu settings will affect all XTRF users and, therefore, should be well considered.

Some settings depend on the selected XTRF plan and thus might be unavailable for some clients.

In the Template section, you can create and manage standard forms, schemes, and paths to accelerate your business processes.

Document templates

In this subsection, you can manage the templates that allow you to generate standardized documents, so you have to put less or no effort into creating new documents for clients and vendors.

Templates tab

In this tab, you can browse, add, open, and manage document templates. By default, you see the list of all templates with several filters on top of the table and information about template type, localization, built-in and active status, and rendering engine.

To learn how to edit the default view or create a new one, see the Smart views article.

Manage the document templates

  • To add a new HTML-based template, click the Add HTML-based Template button. For details, see the Add an HTML document template guide.

  • To add a new BIRT-4 template, click the Add File-based Template button. For details, see the Add a BIRT-4 document template guide.

  • To open a template, click on its line in the list. To open a template in edit mode, click the (blue star) icon in the last column.

  • To download a template, click the (blue star) icon in the last column.

  • If you select one or several checkboxes in the left column, additional buttons appear on top of the list of templates.

    • Click the Edit Selected button to Activate or Deactivate document templates.

    • Click the Delete button to delete the selected template (available only when one template is selected).


Right-click on the template to open a drop-down menu of the applicable actions.

Themes tab

In this tab, you can add or edit the themes used in HTML-based document templates. Themes define the styling of the main body, the header, and the document’s footer. You can predefine multiple themes and their language variants as needed.


To learn how to edit the default view or create a new one, see the Smart views article.

  • To add a custom theme, click the Add New Theme button. For details, see the guide.

  • To open a theme, click on its line in the list. To open it in edit mode, click the (blue star) icon in the last column.

  • If you select one or several checkboxes in the left column, additional buttons appear on top of the list of themes.

    • Click the Edit Selected button to Activate or Deactivate themes.

    • Click the Delete button to delete the selected theme (available only when one theme is selected).


Right-click on the template to open a drop-down menu of the applicable actions.

Fonts tab

In this tab, you can add the fonts for templates and themes.

  • To add a new font, click the Select File button and select the desired file on your local machine. You can also drop the font file into the framed area.

  • To delete a font, click the Delete button.

Background tab

In this tab, you can add images that can be used as theme backgrounds.

  • To add a new image, click the Select File button and select the desired file on your local machine. You can also drop the image file into the framed area.

  • To delete an image, click the Delete button.


In this subsection, you can manage the e-mail notifications the system sends on different occasions.

Events tab

In the Events tab, you can check which actions or events trigger the notifications and enable or disable the e-mail sending for selected events.

By default, all the listed events will trigger the e-mail sending. To disable e-mail sending for the selected event, uncheck the box in the Send E-mail column.

Templates tab

In this tab, you can add and edit e-mail notification templates.


The SMS notifications are deprecated.

  • Edit the default view or create a new one. To learn how to do that, see the Classic views article.

  • Use the filters on the left to narrow down your search.
    💡To use the Type filter, hover over the (blue star) icons between the filters and the table, and drag to the left until the filter field becomes large enough to see the content.

  • Click the Add button to add a new template for e-mails. For details, see the guide.

  • Click on the selected notification template to open it in edit mode.

  • Click the (blue star) icon to delete a notification template. Only the non-default notification templates can be deleted.

  • Check one or several boxes in the left column and click the(blue star) icon in the header to open a drop-down menu of applicable actions:

    • Select or deselect all notification templates.

    • Activate or deactivate the notification templates.

    • Mark or unmark the selected notification templates as preferred.

    • Duplicate a selected notification template. Only the non-default notification templates can be deleted.

    • Provide multiple changes to the selected notification templates.


Use the Multiple Change option to simultaneously activate or restore the notification templates for several language versions.

Themes tab

In this tab, you can add and edit the themes applied to notification templates.

E-mail Images tab

In this tab, you can upload images for notification templates, themes and footers.

  • To add an image, click the Add files… button and select the file from your local machine.

  • To get a link to an uploaded image file, right-click on the Link and select the Copy link address option.

  • To delete an image, click the (blue star) icon.

You can’t edit an already uploaded image. To change the image in your e-mails, upload a new image file and update the link.


The e-mail images are uploaded using the CP API. In order to use this functionality you need to enable the CP API feature.

Footer tab

In this tab, you can create footers for notification templates and themes in different languages. For details, see the guide.


In this subsection, you can manage the folders for XTRF files on your local server.


The path to directories is displayed in the Definition column.


Only the on-premise clients can edit the Directories subsection. For on-cloud clients, this subsection is for informational purposes only.

The Directories subsection consists of 6 tabs:

  • Project Directories

  • Client Directories

  • Vendor Directories

  • Quote Directories

  • Workflow Directories

  • All Directories.

You can manage all available folders in the All Directories tab or go to another tab to manage prefiltered directories.

In each tab, you can:

  • Edit the default view or create a new one. To learn how to do that, see the Classic views article.

  • Click the Add button to create new folders. For details, see the Add a files directory on a local server guide.

  • Click on the selected directory to open its page. Click the (blue star) icon to open it in edit mode.

  • Click the (blue star) icon to delete a directory.


In this subsection, you can edit the way documents created by XTRF are named and stored.

File Locations tab

In this tab, you can check or change how the document files are named and where they are stored.

  • To make any changes, click the Edit button at the bottom of the page. An Edit button will appear in every section.

  • To store specific document files in a different directory, select another option from the drop-down list. The list of available directories depends on the document type. If you don’t want to store those documents, select the Do not save option.
    To learn more about directories, see the Directoriessection.

  • To edit the selected directory, click the Edit button in the same section. You will be directed to this directory page (for details, see the Add a files directory on a local server guide).

  • To edit the expression used for naming document files, click the Edit button in the same section. You will be directed to this expression page (for more details, see the Add an expressionsection below guide).

  • To confirm the changes, click the Save button at the bottom of the page.

Filenames tab

In this tab, you can check or change how the documents created in XTRF are named. The creating rule is displayed in the Template column. To edit the naming expression, click the (blue star) icon. To learn how to create and edit expressions, see the Add an expressionsection below guide.

Numbering Schemes

In this section, you can check and change the way the entities in XTRF are numbered.

  • Edit the default view or create a new one. To learn how to do that, see the Classic views article.

  • Use the filters on the left to narrow down your search.

  • Click the Add button to create a new numbering scheme. For details, see the Add a numbering scheme guide.
    (blue star) You can add only invoice-related numbering schemes.

  • Click on the selected numbering scheme to open it. Click the (blue star) icon to open it in edit mode.
    💡 In edit mode, you can edit the counter value to fill in the numbering gaps that sometimes occur after an entity is deleted from the system. Please, avoid creating entities with the same numbers, as this will disrupt the system.

  • Check one or several boxes in the left column and click the(blue star) icon in the header to open a drop-down menu of applicable actions:

    • Select or deselect all numbering schemes

    • Select all invoice-related schemes

    • Select all project-related schemes

    • Restore the default content of the selected schemes.


While creating or editing a numbering scheme, make sure that the values you provide exclude the possibility of creating entities with the same numbers or IDs. Otherwise, some XTRF functions may stop working, e.g., the project creation will be blocked if a project with the same ID already exists in XTRF.


In this section, you can manage the expressions, i.e., rules for naming different entities throughout the system.