
  1. Users with the Administrator role must connect a machine translation engine so that linguists can benefit from machine translation matches.

  2. Go to Configuration → Settings → Translation → Machine translation → MT engines, and select an MT engine from the list.



    1. In the General options section, configure the three options there to meet your requirements. The settings you make will be applied globally for all projects (unless overridden by customer or project template settings!):

    • Do not search for an MT match when one of the selected matches exists,

    • Populate target with match,

    • Set MT matches to done.



      1. Below is the list of MT engines, enter the information provided by your machine translation provider to activate the particular machine translation engine.



      The connection details a user needs to enter vary from one MT engine to the next!


      • Finally, click Synchronize to establish an API connection between XTM Cloud and an MT provider.



        1. Click Save to save the changes.


        1. The next time you create a project, you can choose one of the activated machine translation engines in the Machine translation section to use with your translation and adjust the settings mentioned in item 2 ad hoc.


        Setting up Custom MT

        Aside from a standard MT engine, you can enable and configure a connection to a custom machine translation engine in XTM Cloud.

        1. Go to Configuration → Settings → Translation → Machine translation → MT engines → Add Custom MT.



          1. A new popup window is displayed. In it, fill all the required fields:

          • Enter a unique Custom MT name for your MT engine.

          • Enter the Username and Password used to log in to the MT engine.

          • Enter the API Base URL.

          • Enter your Authentication endpoint and Translation endpoint.

          • Enter the Check status endpoint.

          • Specify time intervals at which the status is to be checked, in the At intervals of [...] seconds field.

          • Specify your endpoint for downloading translation in the Download translation endpoint field.

          • Choose Custom fields (which are configurable for each MT engine).

          • Optionally, enter a Custom fields prefix (to distinguish custom field metadata sent off to MT from other metadata).

          • Finally, click Add.
