Table of Contents


Before reading this article, we recommend that you read basic principles of configuration levels. To do so, read this article: How a source file can be processed and what are configuration levels.

Filter templates can be used to specify a configuration for identifying translatable text in a document. Filter templates can be used for:

  • MS Office Excel files, including multilingual Excel files (XLSX, XLS, XML),

  • MS Office Word files (DOCX, DOC, RTF),

  • MS Office PowerPoint files (PPTX),

  • Custom variables, which can be configured using regular expressions.

Depending on the selected criteria, users can choose to localize:

sheet names




text in hidden sheets

text in hidden cells and rows

conditional formatting


text in specified columns

text in a specified color (multiple colors can be selected)

text with applied style (e.g. bold)




Creating a filter template in XTM Cloud UI
