
The project ID is one of the most crucial things when it comes to handling a given specific project, be it whether for management or identification purposes. Each and every Every new project created in XTM receives Cloud is assigned one. Also, in the vast majority of cases, a project ID is one of the first items requested by the XTM support International Support team when resolving various issues raised by clients.



Project managers can obtain find out the project ID in three places within the XTM Cloud UI:

  1. Go to Projects → Project list, and click on the informatory information tooltip on the right-hand side of the page when clicked onproject to display its ID:


2. Go to Project editor → Workflow → Job context menu → Additional Job details:


3. Project/file history of for a given specific project, in column G:


Good to know!

While raising To create a formal support ticket to for the XTM support International Support team, please, make use of the Report problem form that you can find in . To access it, use the context menu of for a given specific project:


The project ID will be comprised within inserted in this form and , by the same token, so visible to the XTM support International Support agent.