Solution: The only change that was performed on the date mentioned in the TM Metadata was the change of the context. Keep in mind that the change of context does not result in an update of the Modified by field, which is expected behavior. The Modified by field is updated only in the case of a change in translations or a change in the status of the TM match, which is introduced to show the actual translator/approver who has created/approved the translation, and not the user who simply accepted a 100% match, which only adds the additional context to the that TM match.
TM matches from the previous project are not automatically set to “Done”
Solution: It might be the case that many of your TM matches come from not approved TM. Segments populated with not approved TM matches are only marked as “Done” when you set it so during the project creation stage. Therefore, your default configuration probably does not set such TM matches as “Done”, so if a project manager creating the project did not change that configuration, those that TM were was left as incomplete.
TM matches from import are not showing up in the project
Solution: Juxtapose the language combination used for the project and the one from the import file, and check if they are consistent.