As a user with the Administrator role, go to Configuration → Settings → LQA → LQA, where you can select the full list of issues or any subset of them. You can also set the weight for each item and severity multiplier for minor, major and critical items:
Apart from that, you can always specify if you would like to base your LQA score on the source or target word count in Configuration → Settings → LQA → LQA Options:
LQA calculation method
TS = 1 - ( AP / source or target Word Count )
a) weight of all LQA errors = 1; b) severity for Minor = 1, and for Major = 5. Penalty (P) score for this project is:
Adjusted Penalty (AP) score for this project is:
Total (TS) score for this project is:
How does LQA differ from QA?