
  • Mail subject prefix → Text entered here will prefix all email subjects. This might be useful for setting up email filters.

  • Default email sent from name → The sender's name will be displayed in the From field in the email as the email account name.

  • Workflow emails sent from name → Select one of the 3 options: the default value (entered above), the user's first name and last name or the user's username.

  • Workflow emails sent from address → Select one of the 2 options: the default value (entered above) or the user's email address.

  • Attach contact footer → If this is selected, a footer will be attached to the email. The footer contains a message informing you a message has been generated automatically and can be ignored. It also displays the website URL, which you can use to see more details.

  • Send copies of all emails to Administrator → Select this checkbox to activate this function.

  • Send workflow emails to linguists even when the project is not started → If selected, XTM Cloud notifies linguists that they have been assigned to or unassigned from a project that has not been started.

  • Use due date of one workflow step as a start date of the next → It specifies due dates for workflow steps to indicate when subsequent workflow steps will begin.

  • Sort tasks in linguist emails by → Choose whether tasks should be sorted by file names or task status, in emails to linguists.

  • Show all assigned tasks in linguist email (not only changed tasks) → Select this option to send notification emails to linguists that include all their assigned tasks.

  • Do not list unchanged jobs in linguist's emails when project consists of more than → If the number of jobs to show in emails to linguists exceeds the number selected from the dropdown list, use this option to hide unchanged jobs in the list.

  • Show all jobs in PM email (not only changed) → Select this option to send notification emails to project managers that include all project tasks that they are responsible for managing.

  • Do not list unchanged jobs in pm emails when project consists of more than → If the number of jobs to show in emails to Project Managers exceeds the number selected from the dropdown list, use this option to hide unchanged jobs in the list.

  • Do not use PM notifications for limited PMs → Select this option to reduce the number of notification emails sent to limited project managers (LPMs).

  • Group tasks in emails to PMs by → Choose whether tasks should be grouped by file name or language in emails to project managers.