It is important to know that the source and target languages listed and available in these dropdowns do not depend on which languages have been selected in a specific XTM project template but on which customized languages have been configured in Contentful, for a particular environment (Settings → Environment settings → Locales).
Note |
IMPORTANT! Take note of the Default label: this is always assigned to one language only. The default language is the language in which the source content is created, in Contentful. For this reason, when creating a locale, ensure that the Allow empty fields for this locale checkbox is deselected so that the source content is always there. On the other hand, as you might have already noticed, all the target languages "can be published empty". This is because you do not need any content in the target language fields at the start, since the translation is yet to come from XTM Cloud. For this reason, ensure that you have selected the Allow empty fields for this locale checkbox for target locales. |
the only languages available in the XTM Connect – Contentful plugin will be English (United Kingdom), Polish and German (Germany). All of them can be selected either as source or target languages.
Contentful languages do not have to be mapped with their XTM Cloud counterparts – they have their own language codes (for instance: ca, pl-PL). However, during content submission to XTM Cloud, XTM Connect – Contentful replaces the Contentful languages codes with XTM Cloud language codes on the fly, according to corresponding XTM Cloud language. |
Language mapping only needs to be performed in the Contentful Administrator panel when you would like to create some unconventional mappings, such as between different language variant. For example, map the Contentful English (United States) with the XTM Cloud English (United Kingdom). For this purpose, you need to contact the XTM International Support team and ask them to create a defined language mapping for you. This is done in the Clients section to which you do not have access.