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Filter templates can sometimes be confused with project templates but they are completely different. The filter template has rules for the analysis of files and the project template stores predefined settings for creating a project and allocating linguists.

You can create and set up your own simple filter templates in the XTM Cloud UI! Click here See How to create a filter template in the XTM UI and apply it to a project to see how to create and use filter templates in a project.


Every configuration requested can be set up at one of the three levels above. Setting configuration at a particular level means that it will override any corresponding configuration (e.g. for Excel files) with a lower number next to it.


There is a configuration at a global level which excludes bold text from translation, but at filter template level it is defined to ensure the translation of bold text.

Now, if we were to use the filter template during project creation, or apply it in a project editor after it has been created (and reanalyze the project), this bold text would be extracted for translation.