There is no automatic way of uninstalling the Sitecore Connector. It has to be done manually both on the Sitecore Content Management website (marked below with green) and directly on the server hosting it (marked with blue).
Be cautious: you are removing items and files, always do backup beforehand.

Because every Sitecore instance is different there is no way of predicting all the possible issues that can occur during this process. But this guide should give you solid understanding of what is the best order to delete or items and files related to Sitecore Connector. While removing items from Sitecore always use ‘Remove links’ option (but sometimes it is necessary to use ‘Scan for broken Links’ between the steps anyway). All the Items paths precede with database name (master or core). File paths are relative to the main Sitecore installation path on the server.

  1. Verify that none of your items inherits from XtmConnectorBaseTemplate (more details below)

  2. Verify that none of your items is in XTMWorkflowState (using Workbox details below)

  3. Delete XtmUser, XtmAdmin, XtmProjectViewRestriction roles (using Role Manager)

  4. Delete item /master/sitecore/content/XTM Translation and all its subitems

  5. Delete item /master/sitecore/templates/XTM/XtmSettings

  6. Delete item /master/sitecore/templates/XTM with all subitems

  7. Delete item /master/sitecore/System/Workflows/XTM Translation

  8. Delete item /master/sitecore/system/Dictionary/XtmAddToQueueSimpleFilter with all subitems (only version of connector between 2.5 and 3.2)

  9. Delete item /master/sitecore/system/Dictionary/ImportTypeOptions with all subitems (only version of connector between 2.5 and 3.2)

  10. Delete all Ribbon Chunks (switch to core DB is needed - more details below) :
    /core/sitecore/content/Applications/Content Editor/Ribbons/Chunks/XTM Translation/TranslationReport
    /core/sitecore/content/Applications/Content Editor/Ribbons/Chunks/XTM Translation
    /core/sitecore/content/Applications/Content Editor/Ribbons/Ribbons/Default/XTM
    /core/sitecore/content/Applications/Content Editor/Ribbons/Strips/XTM/XTM Translation
    /core/sitecore/content/Applications/Content Editor/Ribbons/Strips/XTM

  11. Empty "Recycle Bin" for master DB and core DB (switch between master and core DB is required)

  12. Delete file /sitecore/shell/Themes/Standard/
    and /sitecore/shell/Themes/Standard/ (if connector version is 2.7 or higher)

  13. Delete folder /XtmFiles/

  14. Delete folder /XtmData/

  15. Delete folder /App_Config/Include/Xtm/ (or /App_Config/Include/LjungbergIt/ - for version below 2.0)

  16. Delete file /App_Data/packages/<XTM connector installation package>.zip - this is optional, those are the packages uploaded to the server while installing/upgrading the Connector.

  17. From /bin/ folder
    files with names starting with XTM (dll's, configs, pdbs, etc.)(or Ljungberg - for version below 2.0)

    FOLDER XtmAssemblies which contains two all dlls used by the connector: HtmlAgilityPack.dll, RestSharp.dll, DotNetZip.dll and , RestSharp.dll (it , FluentValidation.dll, Sentry.dll, Sentry.Platform.Abstraction.dll, Sentry.Protocol.dll, Swashbuckle.Core.dll, AutoMapper.dll. The folder was added in 3.1 before it was named HtmlAgilityPack. Do not delete those dlls from the bin folder itself).
    Depending on version of the Connector not all dlls can be present in your case (make sure that you don't use below dlls is other plugins)









  18. In Breaking Links window chose Remove Links

ad 1. Removing XtmConnectorBaseTemplate
